P03 A Seamless Phase II/III Design with Dose Optimization (SDDO) for Oncology Drug Development

Conference: ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop 2024
09/27/2024: 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Room: White Oak 


The US FDA's Project Optimus initiative that emphasizes dose optimization prior to marketing approval represents a pivotal shift in oncology drug development. It has a ripple effect for rethinking what changes may be made to conventional pivotal trial designs to incorporate a dose optimization component. Aligned with this initiative, we propose a novel Seamless Phase II/III Design with Dose Optimization (SDDO
framework). The proposed design starts with dose optimization in a randomized setting, leading to an interim analysis focused on optimal dose selection, trial continuation decisions, and sample size re-estimation (SSR). Based on the decision at interim analysis, patient enrollment continues for the selected dose arm and control arm, and the significance of treatment effects will be determined at final analysis. The SDDO framework offers increased flexibility and cost-efficiency through sample size adjustment, while stringently controlling the Type I error. This proposed design also facilitates both Accelerated Approval (AA) and regular approval in a "one-trial" approach. Extensive simulation studies confirm that our design reliably identifies the optimal dosage and makes preferrable decisions with a reduced sample size while retaining statistical power.

Presenting Author

Yuhan Liu, The University of Chicago


Yiding Zhang
Gu Mi, Sanofi
Ji Lin, Sanofi

Topic Description

Clinical Trial Design (e.g., Innovative/Complex Design, Estimands, Master Protocol)
ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop 2024