05. An MCMC-based method for dynamic causal modeling of effective connectivity in functional MRI (fMRI)

Conference: Women in Statistics and Data Science 2024
10/17/2024: 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM EDT


Effective connectivity analysis in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies the directional interactions among brain regions and experimental stimuli. A widely used method to estimate effective connectivity is dynamic causal modeling (DCM), which uses a state space model representation; this consists of a latent neural signal model and an observation model which transforms this signal into the observed blood-oxygen–level-dependent (BOLD) signal in fMRI data. A standard DCM model involves a complex neural-hemodynamic model system with a variational Bayes method for parameter estimation. While physically sound, this approach can lead to various practical challenges such as inexact solutions and underestimated uncertainty in parameter estimates. In our work, we introduce a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)-based DCM method that adopts a simpler observation model and the No U-Turn Sampler for posterior distribution sampling of network parameters. Preliminary results indicate that this approach maintains robustness against misspecification, allows accurate uncertainty quantification of inferred parameters, and consistent estimation of parameters related to the experimental inputs for both simulated and real data.

Presenting Author

Kaitlyn Fales, Pennsylvania State University

First Author

Kaitlyn Fales, Pennsylvania State University


Hyebin Song, Penn State
Nicole Lazar, Pennsylvania State University

Target Audience



Women in Statistics and Data Science 2024