02/28/2024: 11:50 AM - 1:20 PM CST
Believe it or not, we get hired to answer business questions! But what is a business question? This talk will present a template to help uncover this, even if a request is "simple". We'll learn how to connect the company's growth strategy to a request, uncover the context of why something needs to happen, what specifically needs to happen, and how to go about it – before we do any development. The framework will help us become more strategic, and help us pivot from reactive to proactive insights. This way, each deliverable will become an actionable data product – and we'll avoid coming up with the best answer… to the wrong question!
Business question
Data products
Effective communication
Stakeholder management
Product development
Scaling data teams
Presenting Author
Irina Kukuyeva, Kukuyeva Consulting
First Author
Irina Kukuyeva, Kukuyeva Consulting
Effective Communication
Conference on Statistical Practice (CSP) 2024