Countering misinformation and Fostering Data-Driven Decision-Making : A Multi-Sector collaborative a

Abstract Number:


Submission Type:

Invited Paper Session 


Satrajit Roychoudhury (1), Xiaojing Wang (2), Satrajit Roychoudhury (1), Ji-Hyun Lee (3), William Wang (4), Ginger Holt (5), Matthew Brems (6), Brandon Sepulvado (7)


(1) Pfizer, N/A, (2) University of Connecticut, N/A, (3) University of Florida, N/A, (4) BARDS, Merck Research Labs, N/A, (5) Databricks, N/A, (6) DataRobot, N/A, (7) N/A, N/A


Satrajit Roychoudhury  


Xiaojing Wang  
University of Connecticut

Session Organizer:

Satrajit Roychoudhury  


Ji-Hyun Lee  
University of Florida
William Wang  
BARDS, Merck Research Labs
Ginger Holt  
Matthew Brems  
Brandon Sepulvado  

Session Description:

The session will have five eminent speakers who have shown exceptional track of multi-sector collaboration to promote the culture of data-driven decision-making. First, Dr. Ji-Hyun Lee (2024 ASA President-Elect) will present "Harnessing Statistical Leadership to Mitigate Potential Patient Harm in Clinical Trials," which illustrates the strategic role of statistician and data scientists in clinical trials for bringing "correct" data-driven decisions while collaborating with multiple partners, Dr. Ginger Holt (Lead ASA Caucus of Industry Representatives and data scientist at DataBricks) will present "Guarding against misinformation produced in Generative AI models" which reflects the fact that in spite of the great potentials generative AI systems can lead to erroneous data-driven decision without sufficient care. Third, Dr. William Wang from Merck. Co, In. (2023 SPAIG Awardee) will present "Highlights and lessons learnt from the partnership between the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, Merck and the National Cancer Institute (NCI)", an impactful collaboration between academia and the industry. Fourth, Mr. Matt Brems (Chair of Statistics Without Borders and Principal Data Scientist at DataRobot) will present "Building Trust: Using Data & Statistics in International Development" which focuses on building trust in data throughout the data value chain, from production to analysis and from dissemination to use and its final impact on decisions that affect the lives of people. It is also an important and timely topic as the specter of "fake news" and "alternative facts" looms around us. Finally, Dr. Brandon Sepulvado (NORC at the University of Chicago) will present "Detecting and Mitigating Algorithmic Bias in Online Misinformation". The talk will share learnings of describe the learnings gleaned from the process related to bias in from large language models (LLM) development using data from the social media platforms. Session participants represent diverse sectors, roles, and experiences, which illustrate multiple pathways through which multi-sector data-driven collaborations can successfully make an impact and strengthen community.

The theme of JSM 2024, "Statistics and data science: informing policy and countering misinformation," reflects multiple sectors and collaborate to make broad impacts to the policymaking while coping with the propagation of false or inaccurate information proliferating worldwide. Mis-/disinformation has emerged as a significant challenge to all sectors of policymaking communities and highlight the necessity to design measures enabling the prevention, interdiction, and mitigation of such threats. Innovations that have been developed to address challenges in one sector are increasingly cross-fertilized and applied to address challenges across multiple sectors, a process that is accelerated by a multi-sector community-based framework. Ongoing challenges in multi-sector collaborations include communication, leadership, decision-making. Illustrating successful collaborations that have raised awareness and overcome the impact of counterfeiting information can provide a practical blueprint for our community to follow as they embark on their own multi-sector data-driven collaborations.

The target audience of this session includes applied statisticians and data scientists who are engaged in data-driven collaborations or who aim to engage in data-driven collaborations.


Caucus of Industry Representatives 2
Committee on Applied Statisticians 3
Stats. Partnerships Among Academe Indust. & Govt. Committee 1

Theme: Statistics and Data Science: Informing Policy and Countering Misinformation




Estimated Audience Size

Medium (80-150)

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