By igoring statistics, the government sometimes spread pandemic misinformation.

Abstract Number:


Submission Type:

Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



Alan Salzberg (1)


(1) Salt Hill Statistical Consulting, N/A

First Author:

Alan Salzberg  
Salt Hill Statistical Consulting

Presenting Author:

Alan Salzberg  
Salt Hill Statistical Consulting

Abstract Text:

Media platforms allowed misinformation to easily propagate during the Pandemic. In an attempt to quell misinformation, the CDC and the Federal Government attempted, sometimes successfully, to shut down debate. Yet, at times, these entities themselves spread false information regarding measures meant to prevent Covid. The scientific evidence behind the Covid vaccines was extremely strong, and seemingly difficuit to over-state, but the CDC did indeed overstate their benefit, while ignoring factors regularly considered when recommending vaccines, such as age, side effects, and prior exposure to Covid. Regarding masks, the CDC pushed policies based on little or no scientific data, and ignored scientific data that called their efficacy into doubt. This paper will zero in on a few of the mis-steps and instances of mis-information, reviewing the statistical evidence.




Health Policy Statistics Section



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