Inference on Two-Parameter Maxwell Distribution: Two-Sample Case

Abstract Number:


Submission Type:

Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



Faysal Ahmed Chowdhury (1), Kalimuthu Krishnamoorthy (2)


(1) Florida Gulf Coast University, N/A, (2) N/A, N/A


Kalimuthu Krishnamoorthy  

First Author:

Faysal Ahmed Chowdhury  
Florida Gulf Coast University

Presenting Author:

Faysal Ahmed Chowdhury  
Florida Gulf Coast University

Abstract Text:

The two-parameter Maxwell distribution is commonly used in life-testing and reliability analysis due to its smoothly increasing failure rate. Our study focuses on constructing confidence intervals (CIs) for the difference between means and ratio of means of two independent Maxwell distributions. We propose CIs based on the fiducial approach, approximate fiducial approach (also known as modified normal-based approximation), and parametric bootstrap (PB) method. We compare these methods based on their coverage probability and precision. We extend these methods to find CIs for a difference between percentiles and a ratio of two independent Maxwell distributions. Specifically, we develop and evaluate CIs for the ratio of the 5th percentiles and the ratio of the medians for coverage probability and precision accuracy. We illustrate these methods using two examples with real-life data. Although the PB confidence intervals are more efficient than the fiducial CIs in some situations, the approximate fiducial CIs are very simple to compute and are comparable with the PB CIs in most cases.


coverage probability|equivariant estimator|fiducial method|location-scale family|MLEs| PB approach


Section on Statistical Computing


Monte Carlo Methods & Simulation

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