Spatial characteristics of Hyperpolarized Xe-129 apparent diffusion coefficient of CF patients.

Abstract Number:


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Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



Neelakshi Chatterjee (1), A. Bdaiwi (2), Marepalli Rao (3), Z.I. Cleveland (4), Md. M. Hossain (5)


(1) Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, DEPHS, University of Cincinnati and CCHMC, Cincinnati, OH, United States, (2) CPIR, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States, (3) University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, United States, (4) CPIR, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States, Cincinnati, OH, United States, (5) Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States


A. Bdaiwi  
CPIR, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Marepalli Rao  
University of Cincinnati
Z.I. Cleveland  
CPIR, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Md. M. Hossain  
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

First Author:

Neelakshi Chatterjee  
Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, DEPHS, University of Cincinnati and CCHMC

Presenting Author:

Neelakshi Chatterjee  

Abstract Text:

Microstructural lung damage is the pivotal cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with Cystic fibrosis (CF), a life-shortening genetic disorder. Detection of such lung abnormalities by examining the microstructural changes from Hyperpolarized Xe-129 MRI, are often done by calculating parameters such as apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). We examined the spatial distribution of ADC parameter to explain the microstructural differences between healthy controls and CF patients.

Using DW-MRI images from 38 healthy controls (age: 17.2 ±9.5 year) and 39 CF patients (age: 15.28±7.62 year), we compared the spatial characteristics of 129Xe ADC in CF patients to healthy controls. Upon doing this, two random effects for the spatial and nonspatial variations in ADC maps were introduced. The prior distribution for the spatial random effect was specified using the conditional autoregressive model. This helps in understanding the microstructural changes in the lungs of CF patients by looking at the ADC map and the voxel level spatial map along with patient level spatial autocorrelation in comparison to healthy controls. The findings will be presented in the meeting.


Conditional autoregressive model|Cystic Fibrosis|apparent diffusion coefficient|MRI images| |


Section on Statistics in Imaging



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