Time Series Analysis of Consumer Price Index Weights

Abstract Number:


Submission Type:

Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



MoonJung Cho (1)


(1) US Bureau of Labor Statistics, N/A

First Author:

MoonJung Cho  
US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Presenting Author:

MoonJung Cho  
US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Abstract Text:

Weight is one of the main components in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) formula. The CPI program revises fixed quantity weights on an annual basis presently. Using graphical displays and correlation analysis, we explore the relationship of CPI series whose weights are from different reference periods, and the relationship among the weights. Our focus is to analyze the seasonal components of CPI series. The initial investigation was through frequency analyses using Discrete Fourier Transform. We further investigate various aspects of CPI series including trend, changes in rates, jump discontinuity, and outliers.


Autocorrelation|Convolution|Discrete Fourier Transform|Periodicity|Trend|Wavelets


Government Statistics Section


Time Series

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