Building Resilient Statistical Communities: Promoting Statistical Literacy and Mentorship Excellence

Abstract Number:


Submission Type:

Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



Miloni Shah (1), Anna Giczewska (2)


(1) Duke Clinical Research Institute, N/A, (2) N/A, N/A


Anna Giczewska  

First Author:

Miloni Shah  
Duke Clinical Research Institute

Presenting Author:

Miloni Shah  
Duke Clinical Research Institute

Abstract Text:

In an era where data-driven decision-making is paramount, cultivating a robust foundation in statistical understanding is essential for statisticians entering the workforce or already established, especially in the world that emerges from the pandemic. Based on our internal experiences facilitating a peer support group we elucidate strategies employed for enhancing statistical literacy and the attributes contributing to effective communication within the statistical community. We identify the following factors that are crucial to assure success: assigning mentors, investing in continuous training and education, fostering and maintaining communication and development of quality assurance guidelines. In summary, the efforts to build resilient statistical communities contribute directly to informing policy and countering misinformation by fostering a culture of statistical literacy, data integrity, effective communication, and ethical considerations within the field of statistics. This, in turn, strengthens the foundation for evidence-based policymaking and promotes a more informed and resilient society.


building resilient statistical communities|mentorship excellence|statistical literacy| | |


Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science



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