Addressing Unmeasured Confounders in Cox Hazard Models Using Nonparametric Bayesian Approaches

Abstract Number:


Submission Type:

Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



Shunichiro Orihara (1), Masataka Taguri (1)


(1) Tokyo Medical University, N/A


Masataka Taguri  
Tokyo Medical University

First Author:

Shunichiro Orihara  
Tokyo Medical University

Presenting Author:

Shunichiro Orihara  
Tokyo Medical University

Abstract Text:

In observational studies, presence of unmeasured confounders is a crucial challenge in accurately estimating desired causal effects. To calculate the hazard ratio (HR) in Cox proportional hazard models, instrumental variable methods such as Two-Stage Residual Inclusion (Martinez-Camblor et al., 2019) and Limited Information Maximum Likelihood (Orihara, 2022) are typically employed. However, these methods have several concerns, including the potential for biased HR estimates and issues with parameter identification. In this presentation, we introduce a novel nonparametric Bayesian method designed to estimate an unbiased HR, addressing concerns related to parameter identification. Our proposed method consists of two phases: 1) detecting clusters based on the likelihood of the exposure variable, and 2) estimating the hazard ratio within each cluster. Although it is implicitly assumed that unmeasured confounders affect outcomes through cluster effects, our algorithm is well-suited for such data structures. We will present simulation results to evaluate the performance of our method.


general Bayes|instrumental variable|Mendelian randomization|nonparametric Bayes|unmeasured confounders|


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