Comprehensive simulation-based comparison of power calculation methods for the log-rank test

Abstract Number:


Submission Type:

Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



Emily Goren (1), Michael LeBlanc (2), John Crowley (1)


(1) Cancer Research and Biostatistics, Seattle, WA, (2) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA


Michael LeBlanc  
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
John Crowley  
Cancer Research and Biostatistics

First Author:

Emily Goren  
Cancer Research and Biostatistics

Presenting Author:

Emily Goren  

Abstract Text:

The log-rank test is widely used in 2-arm clinical trials to compare survival distributions between groups. Design of clinical trials utilizing the log-rank test requires power calculations under the alternative hypothesis. Various distributional approximations for the log-rank test statistic under the alternative hypothesis have been proposed for power determination. Bernstein and Lagakos (1978) use an exponential MLE test for power calculation. Schoenfeld's (1981) method depends on a normal approximation with variance derived under local alternatives. Luo et al. (2019) and Yung and Liu (2020) derive a different asymptotic variance which also requires local alternatives. In practice, a local alternative assumption may unreasonable for large effects and modest sample sizes. Practical guidance is needed to guide selection of a power calculation method. We conduct a comprehensive simulation study comparing power calculation methods for the log-rank test and compare the underlying distributional assumptions of the mean and variance. This work provides guidance for practitioners and highlights the need for deriving the distribution of the log-rank test under general alternatives.


log-rank test|asymptotic theory|clinical trial design|survival analysis| |


Biometrics Section


Survival Analysis

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