Bayesian Clustering for Distributions

Abstract Number:


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Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



Mihoko Minami (1), Cleridy Lennert-Cody (2)


(1) Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, (2) Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, La Jolla, California


Cleridy Lennert-Cody  
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

First Author:

Mihoko Minami  
Keio University

Presenting Author:

Mihoko Minami  
Keio University

Abstract Text:

Scientists often collect samples on characteristics of different observation units and wonder whether the characteristics of the observation units have similar distributional structure. In this study, we propose a new Bayesian clustering method for distributions that uses a T-EP (Truncated Ewens-Pitman) distribution as the prior for the partitioning parameters, that is, for the number of clusters and the cluster sizes. For a given number of clusters, we consider an entropy-based objective function that is naturally derived from the modified Jensen-Shannon divergence between two distributions. This leads to a hierarchical Bayesian clustering method for distributions.

As a motivational example, we introduce yellowfin tuna fork length data collected from the tuna catch of purse-seine vessels that operated in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The hierarchical Bayesian clustering method, applied to density estimates of yellowfin tuna fork length for 5-degree square areas, was used to explore spatial structure in the length composition of the tuna catch.


Hierarchical Bayesian model|Modified Jensen-Shannon divergence|Clustering for distributions|Truncated Ewens-Pitman distribution|Density estimates|


Section on Statistics and the Environment


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