Authentic Data Explorations: Investigating the Normal Distribution through Student Loan Debt Data

Abstract Number:


Submission Type:

Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



Maria Cruciani (1), Justin Post (2), Jennifer Green (1), Sunghwan Byun (2)


(1) Michigan State University, N/A, (2) North Carolina State University, N/A


Justin Post  
North Carolina State University
Jennifer Green  
Michigan State University
Sunghwan Byun  
North Carolina State University

First Author:

Maria Cruciani  
Michigan State University

Presenting Author:

Maria Cruciani  
Michigan State University

Abstract Text:

Inquiry-based activities allow students to explore questions they find interesting and applicable, motivating deeper engagement in a given task. Authentic data situates inquiry-based statistical explorations in meaningful contexts and advances the development of students' data acumen. We have designed an inquiry-based activity that authentically explores the distributions of student loan debt from postsecondary institutions. It is the first activity in a series of three that offers students rich experiences exploring questions about authentic data through R Shiny applets. The activity's goal is to strengthen students' data exploration skills while furthering their understanding of the normal distribution. The learning objectives of calculating, interpreting, and drawing conclusions from z-scores, percentiles, and proportions in addition to standardizing and comparing normally distributed data are met. Students will learn to standardize and compare distributions in a context that is relevant to their lives, will gain experience taking the lead on statistically investigating a question that is interesting to them, and will practice communicating their results to others.


Inquiry-based |Authentic Data|Undergraduate Introductory Statistics|Statistics Education|The Normal Distrubtion|R Shiny Applets


Section on Statistics and Data Science Education



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