An examination of the effectiveness of group control charts for monitoring COVID-19 data in Michigan

Abstract Number:


Submission Type:

Contributed Abstract 

Contributed Abstract Type:



Paul Stephenson (1), Ashley Grace Davies (2)


(1) Grand Valley State University, N/A, (2) Grand Valley State Unniversity, N/A


Ashley Grace Davies  
Grand Valley State Unniversity

First Author:

Paul Stephenson  
Grand Valley State University

Presenting Author:

Paul Stephenson  
Grand Valley State University

Abstract Text:

Incidence data for COVID-19 was collected by county across the state of Michigan. This data can be standardized such that statistics computed for each county can be assumed to follow the same distribution. One can then plot the largest and smallest statistics at a given timepoint on a group control chart. The authors will present the development of two group control chart that could be used to monitor county (or geospatial) data for the state of Michigan. The authors will then demonstrate the usage of this group control chart using incidence data for COVID-19. The authors will also examine the impact of policy decisions (enacted by the Governor and the legislature) on the spread of COVID-19.


Statistical Process Control|COVID-19 incidence data|Group Control Charts| | |


Quality and Productivity Section


Statistical Process Control and Quality Assurance

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