Data-Informed Policymaking: Statisticians and Data Scientists Building & Communicating Evidence

Claire Bowen Chair
Urban Institute
Lisa Mirel Panelist
National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Sally Morton Panelist
Arizona State University
Jeri Mulrow Panelist
Claire Bowen Organizer
Urban Institute
Tuesday, Aug 6: 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM
Invited Panel Session 
Oregon Convention Center 
Room: CC-D136 
Public policy initiatives advocating improved data access and use for data-informed decision making have recently gained momentum. Examples of such initiatives include the Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018, the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building Year 2 Report, America's Datahub Consortium, and the Committee on National Statistics panel focused on enhancing federal statistics and social and economic research in the 21st century. Despite the growing importance of data-driven approaches, many statisticians and data scientists remain uncertain about their role in these endeavors.

This panel aims to bridge this knowledge gap by convening experts from government, industry, and academia who will share their diverse perspectives on how statistics and data science can contribute to building robust evidence for informed public policy decision making, and how statisticians can be involved in the effective communication of that evidence. The discussions will highlight practical applications of data analytics and statistical methods in shaping effective policies. Furthermore, the panelists will provide valuable guidance to students and early career professionals seeking to pursue rewarding careers in the dynamic realm of public policy whether as statisticians, data scientists, or policy makers.



Main Sponsor

Government Statistics Section

Co Sponsors

Caucus for Women in Statistics
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Social Statistics Section