Ethical Considerations for Developing and Using Artificial Intelligence in Statistical Practice

Will Eagan Chair
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc
Jing Cao Panelist
Mark Glickman Panelist
Harvard University
Xuanyao He Panelist
Eli Lilly and Company
Rochelle Tractenberg Panelist
Georgetown University
Eric Xing Panelist
Carnegie Mellon University Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligenc
Will Eagan Organizer
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc
Jing Cao Organizer
Sunday, Aug 4: 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM
Invited Panel Session 
Oregon Convention Center 
Room: CC-251 
The format is a panel session. This session focuses on the application and potential limitations of the American Statistical Association Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practices to artificial intelligence (AI). With the explosion in popularity of ChatGPT and other AI based methods, this session is particularly timely. This session a produce of collaboration of three ASA Committees belonging to the Membership and Professional Issues and Visibility Council is a natural fit into the theme of JSM 2024 - Statistics and Data Science: Informing Policy and Countering Misinformation. It emphasizes how ASA and other such organizations work to develop statistics as profession, and how to extend such efforts into the new frontier of AI. Additionally, this session's appeal is widespread and should be of particular interest to student and early career attendees.

The content will be provided by a robust exchange of ideas from a highly accomplished set of panelists. Questions from the audience will be strongly encouraged. The composition of the panel represents different perspectives and background, but each possesses a national reputation.

Jing Cao is Professor of Statistical Science at Southern Methodist University. Currently Chair of Committee on Professional Ethics, and lead author of September 2023 AmStat News article on the session's topic. She has published on the application of neural networks.

Mark Glickman is Senior Lecturer in Statistics at Harvard University and Senior Statistician for the Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research at the US Department of Veteran Affairs. He is a past member of the ASA Board of Directors, and Chair of the fairly recently formed ASA Committee on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Xuanyao He is Director of Statistics for Real World Analytics and Access at Eli Lilly. She is mid-career statistician with experience in the application of AI to drug development.

Rochelle Tractenberg is Professor of Neurology at Georgetown University with secondary appointments in Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Biomathematics and Rehabilitation Medicine. She established and directs the Collaborative for Research on Outcomes and -Metrics and is Co-director to the Spinal Cord Injury Model System. She is a former Chair to the Committee on Professional Ethics and has chair and co-chaired the committee's working groups on revising the ASA Ethical Guidelines. As a renowned scholar on ethics to data science, she has authored two books on ethical reasoning and ethical practice in statistics and data science, respectively.



Main Sponsor

Committee on Professional Ethics

Co Sponsors

Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Data Science
Committee on Membership Retention and Recruitment
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee