The Critical Role of Communication for Leadership and Career Growth

Sally Morton Chair
Arizona State University
Cynthia Bland Panelist
RTI International
Elizabeth Mannshardt Panelist
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Scott Clark Panelist
Eli Lilly and Company
Umut Ozbek Organizer
Eli Lilly and Company
Monday, Aug 5: 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM
Invited Panel Session 
Oregon Convention Center 
Room: CC-E145 
Effective communication is one of the key elements for good leadership. For statistical and data science leaders, communicating with non-scientific audience, such as policy makers, business leaders, the media, or the general public, can be challenging as subtleties around inference, bias, and other statistical features may not be well understood. Similarly, statistical practitioners also need clever communication even to the scientific community or fellow statisticians in conveying the value of their technical work. Informing, influencing, and guiding decision makers regarding policy issues through inference, recognizing bias, characterizing uncertainty would lead to improvements in the field and counter misinformation. In this session, we will build on fostering career growth through leadership. With statistician leaders from academia, government, and industry, we will discuss the role of emotional intelligence and business acumen in effective communication, the use of organizational psychology, and communicating across generations.

Alison Motsinger-Reif from NIH will join the panel proposed



Main Sponsor

Committee on Women in Statistics

Co Sponsors

Caucus for Women in Statistics
Committee on Career Development