The NIH FIRST Cohort Cluster Hiring Initiative at Mount Sinai: A Novel, Data-driven Approach to Addressing Systemic Barriers to the Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement of Biomedical Scientists

Emma Benn Speaker
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Tuesday, Aug 6: 3:05 PM - 3:20 PM
Invited Paper Session 
Oregon Convention Center 
A diverse biomedical research workforce benefits the health research agenda as it leads to increased innovation and scientific rigor. Diverse investigators play an integral role in identifying novel research questions, perspectives, and solutions. Yet, while underrepresented minorities make up the most rapidly growing segment of the US population, diversifying the biomedical research workforce is still a major challenge. Barriers to the recruitment, retention, and advancement of underrepresented trainees and faculty in the biomedical and/or STEM research workforce are often systemic in nature, however many proposed interventions, while well-intentioned, tend to target the individual rather than the impeding structures/systems themselves. In this talk, I will present the progress to date of the NIH FIRST Cohort Cluster Hiring Initiative at Mount Sinai, a rigorous, data-driven, structural approach aimed at transforming culture and facilitating the equitable recruitment, retention, research success, and advancement of biomedical investigators who are underrepresented and/or committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.