Infusing Data Equity Principles into Health Research: Training Initiatives and Implementation in Practice
Rochelle Fu
Oregon Health & Science University
Anais Tuepker
Center to Improve Veteran Involvement in Care (CIVIC), VA Portland Health Care System
Tuesday, Aug 6: 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Topic-Contributed Panel Session
Oregon Convention Center
Room: CC-G131
Data is not objective; every step in a data project involves decisions that should be made with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in mind. Yet few opportunities exist for health researchers to learn about the principles of data equity and how to apply them in their work. In this panel session we showcase recent initiatives, both to provide training in data equity and to implement data equity principles in practice, undertaken by a multi-institution school of public health, a government agency, and a tribal advisory organization in the Portland area. Panelists will present their initiatives, which include:
(1) a university course in principles of data equity;
(2) a seminar series on anti-racism in research that includes both didactic sessions and journal club sessions;
(3) a seminar series on improving health research practice through the lens of intersectionality, positionality, and reflexivity; and
(4) a project examining barriers encountered by northwest tribes in accessing their own surveillance data on sexually transmitted infections (STI).
The training initiatives are intended for health researchers and researchers-in-training, including students, practicing clinicians, clinical researchers, basic scientists, and others in the community. They have reached broad audiences in Portland and beyond and have received positive feedback. The goals of this session are to highlight these training and practice initiatives, provide a forum for exchanging ideas among both panelists and audience members, and identify future directions for possible new initiatives. Our hope is that these efforts and similar efforts will shape how health research is done in the future.
Main Sponsor
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Co Sponsors
Committee on Outreach Education
Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion Outreach Group
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