Teaching Hypothesis Testing Via Randomization with a Resume Discrimination Case

Robin Donatello Speaker
California State University, Chico
Sunday, Aug 4: 2:05 PM - 2:25 PM
Topic-Contributed Paper Session 
Oregon Convention Center 
Sampling distributions and Null Hypothesis significance testing can be one of the more complex concepts for students new to statistics. To help make these concepts tangible for students, I have created a hands-on activity based on the framework for introducing hypothesis testing using randomization. The motivating data come from a study where the researchers specifically setup an experiment to investigate sex discrimination in the banking industry in the 1970's. In this session I demonstrate how to put students in the role of the banking manager making promotional decisions. The students generate and record the data as well as plot and summarize the results in real time. Student feedback will be shared and ideas for extension of learning objectives will be discussed.