Creating a self-sustaining ecosystem for data.table
Tuesday, Aug 6: 2:25 PM - 2:45 PM
Topic-Contributed Paper Session
Oregon Convention Center
The R package data.table provides basic data analysis functionality (reading, writing, summarization, reshaping, etc). Its two main features are (1) highly efficient C code, and (2) concise and expressive R syntax involving square brackets, DT[i, j, by]. The NSF POSE program has funded a project to promote a sustainable open-source ecosystem around data.table, during 2023-2025. Project activities include creating a governance and code of conduct document, new documentation (including translations), outreach/teaching (including travel awards), and new testing infrastructure (performance and reverse dependencies). The goal is to create a thriving open-source ecosystem, with a diverse community of contributors, that will continue to maintain and update data.table, even after the end of the NSF project. In this talk I will discuss our progress toward achieving this goal.
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