Monthly Sample Size Prediction for the Current Population Survey

Brian Shaffer Co-Author
US Census Bureau
Timothy Trudell Co-Author
John Jones First Author
US Census Bureau, DSSD
John Jones Presenting Author
US Census Bureau, DSSD
Monday, Aug 5: 11:20 AM - 11:35 AM
Contributed Papers 
Oregon Convention Center 
The Current Population Survey (CPS) conducts data collection monthly using an eight-panel rotating sample. Field operations and headquarters both require a predictable sample size for planning purposes. However, various factors impact the sample size of each panel; among these factors are growth in the frame which gets added to the panels differently across time, attrition in the frame which causes a decrease in the eligible sample size across time, and post-census frame improvements which reduce that decrease in our eligible sample. In our research, we first discuss the components of the CPS sample size. Next, we attempt to model these components so that we can extrapolate the sample size months ahead. Lastly, we compare our extrapolations to observed sample sizes to evaluate the quality of our predictions.

Key words: Sample Frames, Modeling


Sample Frame


Main Sponsor

Survey Research Methods Section