01 A Hierarchical Constrained Density Regression Model for Toxicogenomic Data

Michael Pennell Speaker
The Ohio State University
Sunday, Aug 4: 8:30 PM - 9:25 PM
Invited Posters 
Oregon Convention Center 
New alternative methods for rapid toxicity screening of chemicals require new statistical methodologies which appropriately synthesize the large amount of data collected. Transcriptomic assays can be used to assess the impact of a chemical on thousands of genes, but current approaches to analyzing the data treat each gene separately and don't allow sharing of information among genes within pathways. Furthermore, the methods employed are fully parametric and do not account for changes in distribution shape that may occur at high exposure levels. To address the limitations of these methods, we propose Constrained Logistic Density Regression (COLDER) to model expression data from different genes simultaneously. Under COLDER, the dose-response function for each gene is assigned a prior via a discrete logistic stick-breaking process whose weights depend on gene-level characteristics and atoms consist of different dose-response functions subject to a shape constraint that ensures biological plausibility. The posterior distribution for the benchmark dose among genes within the same pathways can be estimated directly from the model, which is another advantage over current methods.