Unbiased Survey Estimation with Population Auxiliary Variables

Johann Gagnon-Bartsch Co-Author
Jaylin Lowe Co-Author
University of Michigan
James Green Co-Author
Robyn Ferg First Author
Robyn Ferg Presenting Author
Thursday, Aug 8: 11:05 AM - 11:20 AM
Contributed Papers 
Oregon Convention Center 
In many applications, population auxiliary variables and predictive models can be used to increase the precision and accuracy of survey estimates. We propose a new model-assisted approach that makes it possible incorporate model predictions into survey estimation to improve precision, while maintaining the unbiasedness property of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator. Our method allows for any prediction function or machine learning algorithm to be used to predict the response for out-of-sample observations. The unbiasedness property remains fully design-based and does not require the validity of the prediction model.


model-assisted inference

survey estimation

auxiliary data

finite population inference

machine learning


Main Sponsor

Survey Research Methods Section