Learning from Similar Linear Representations: Adaptivity, Minimaxity, and Robustness
Yuqi Gu
Columbia University
Ye Tian
First Author
Columbia University, Department of Statistics
Ye Tian
Presenting Author
Columbia University, Department of Statistics
Wednesday, Aug 7: 11:05 AM - 11:20 AM
Contributed Papers
Oregon Convention Center
Representation multi-task learning (MTL) and transfer learning (TL) are widely used, but their theoretical understanding is limited. Most theories assume tasks share the same representation, which may not hold in practice. We address this gap by studying tasks with similar but not identical linear representations, while handling outlier tasks. We propose two adaptive algorithms robust to outliers under MTL and TL. Our methods outperform single-task or target-only learning with sufficiently similar representations and few outliers. They are also competitive when representations are dissimilar. We provide lower bounds showing our algorithms are nearly minimax optimal and propose an algorithm for unknown intrinsic dimension. Simulation studies confirm our theoretical findings.
Transfer learning
Multi-task learning
Representation learning
Low-rank structure
Minimax optimality
Main Sponsor
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science
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