Optimal Classification of Multivariate Functional Data using Deep Neural Networks

Nedret Billor Co-Author
Auburn University
roberto molinari Co-Author
Auburn University
Ukamaka Nnyaba First Author
Ukamaka Nnyaba Presenting Author
Sunday, Aug 4: 3:35 PM - 3:50 PM
Contributed Papers 
Oregon Convention Center 
We propose a new method, which we call Multivariate Functional Deep Neural Network (MFDNN), for classifying multivariate functional data across diverse domains. In contrast to existing approaches limited to Gaussian settings and uniform dimensional domains, MFDNN accommodates non-Gaussian data functions on varying dimensional domains (e.g., functions and images). The proposed classifier attains minimax optimality, substantiated by theoretical justifications. Demonstrations on simulated and real-world datasets underscore the versatility and efficacy of MFDNN. This approach complements recent advancements and extends previous results by exploring deep neural network procedures on multivariate functional data across different domains. Comparisons highlight the favorable performance of our method.


Functional data

Deep neural network


Multivariate functional data 

Main Sponsor

Section on Nonparametric Statistics