Robustness of Best Linear Unbiased Estimators based on Order Statistics
Masuma Mannan
LSUHSC School of Public Health Biostatistics and Data Science Program
Evrim Oral
LSUHSC School of Public Health
Monday, Aug 5: 9:50 AM - 10:05 AM
Contributed Papers
Oregon Convention Center
Recently, Sanaullah et al (2019) and Ahmad et al (2023) utilized a Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) that is based on order statistics to propose novel ratio-type estimators in survey sampling. While they studied the properties of the proposed ratio estimators in the survey sampling setting, the robustness properties of the BLUE-type estimators they used have not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, in this study, we evaluate the robustness properties of the BLUE-type location estimators and compare them to other well-known robust estimators such as Huber's M and Tiku's modified maximum likelihood estimator using an extensive simulation study. Additionally, we demonstrate the performance of the estimators through a real-life example.
Modified Maximum Likelihood
Order Statistics
Location-scale families
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