Transfer Learning for Functional Mean Estimation: Phase Transition and Adaptive Algorithms
Hongming Pu
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business
Tony Cai
University of Pennsylvania
Dongwoo Kim
First Author
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business
Dongwoo Kim
Presenting Author
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business
Tuesday, Aug 6: 3:35 PM - 3:50 PM
Contributed Papers
Oregon Convention Center
This paper studies transfer learning for estimating the mean of random functions based on discretely sampled data, where, in addition to observations from the target distribution, auxiliary samples from similar but distinct source distributions are available. The paper considers both common and independent designs and establishes the minimax rates of convergence for both designs. The results reveal an interesting phase transition phenomenon under the two designs and demonstrate the benefits of utilizing the source samples in the low sampling frequency regime. For practical applications, this paper proposes novel data-driven adaptive algorithms that attain the optimal rates of convergence within a logarithmic factor simultaneously over a large collection of parameter spaces. The theoretical findings are complemented by a simulation study that further supports the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.
Transfer learning
Functional data analysis
Mean function
Minimax rate of convergence
Phase transition
Main Sponsor
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