Sequential Monte Carlo for probabilistic object detection in images

Jeffrey Regier Co-Author
University of Michigan
Timothy White First Author
University of Michigan
Timothy White Presenting Author
University of Michigan
Monday, Aug 5: 10:05 AM - 10:20 AM
Contributed Papers 
Oregon Convention Center 
Object detection is a fundamental image analysis task that is relevant to many scientific disciplines. For example, astronomers detect stars and galaxies in astronomical images and biologists characterize cells and tissues in histological images. Distinguishing visually overlapping objects in images is challenging, as there is inherent ambiguity in the positions and properties of these objects. The Bayesian paradigm is well suited to this task because it provides calibrated uncertainty estimates for crowded scenes and enables scientists to incorporate prior knowledge about the imaged objects. We propose count-stratified SMC (CS-SMC), a novel Bayesian approach to object detection based on sequential Monte Carlo. Given an image, CS-SMC evaluates latent variable catalogs corresponding to various object counts and infers the posterior distribution over sets of objects. Although these sets vary in size, CS-SMC does not require transdimensional sampling, unlike existing methods for probabilistic object detection based on Markov chain Monte Carlo. We demonstrate the advantages of CS-SMC in a case study involving astronomical images of densely populated starfields.


sequential Monte Carlo

Bayesian inference

image analysis

object detection

astronomical images

histological images 

Main Sponsor

Section on Bayesian Statistical Science