Bayesian outcome weighted learning for estimating sparse optimal individualized treatment rules

Nikki Freeman Co-Author
Duke University
Sophia Yazzourh First Author
Universite de Toulouse
Nikki Freeman Presenting Author
Duke University
Tuesday, Aug 6: 10:35 AM - 10:50 AM
Contributed Papers 
Oregon Convention Center 
One of the primary goals of statistical precision medicine is to learn optimal individualized treatment rules (ITRs). The classification-based approach to estimating optimal ITRs was first introduced in outcome-weighted learning (OWL), which recasts the optimal ITR learning problem into a weighted classification problem. In this presentation, we introduce a Bayesian formulation of OWL. Starting from the OWL objective function, we generate an empirical likelihood that can be expressed as a scale mixture of normal distributions. A Gibbs sampling algorithm is developed for estimation. In addition to providing a strategy for learning an optimal ITR, Bayesian OWL provides a natural, probabilistic approach to estimate uncertainty in ITR treatment recommendations themselves. We demonstrate our method through several simulation studies and a healthcare application.


Precision medicine

Individualized treatment rule

Bayesian machine learning 

Main Sponsor

Biometrics Section