Introducing professional writing in an introductory statistics course

Yi Shang Co-Author
John Carroll University
Meredith Steck Co-Author
John Carroll University
Shurong Fang First Author
John Carroll University
Shurong Fang Presenting Author
John Carroll University
Tuesday, Aug 6: 9:45 AM - 9:50 AM
Contributed Speed 
Oregon Convention Center 
It is well known that students often feel anxiety and fear when they enter elementary statistics courses in college. This can lead to a frustrating and stressful learning environment. Incorporating writing components into an undergraduate statistics course is not a brand new concept. Several publications have already shown the benefits of writing assignments in a statistics course. However, there is few literature on introducing professional writing in a statistics course at an early stage in college. In this research, we will discuss the benefits and challenges of introducing professional writing in an introductory statistics course, and provide some strategies that make the writing process productive and painless for both students and instructors.


Professional writing

Introductory statistics

Learning environment

Observational study 

Main Sponsor

Section on Statistics and Data Science Education