Response to Industry Demand for Computational Skills in Statistics Majors

Rasitha Jayesekere First Author
Butler University
Rasitha Jayesekere Presenting Author
Butler University
Tuesday, Aug 6: 9:50 AM - 9:55 AM
Contributed Speed 
Oregon Convention Center 
In response to the increased demand for computational skills in internships and careers in statistics, a course in data wrangling, database management, and data visualization was introduced to undergraduate majors as part of the statistics curriculum. The course introduces topics on programming and data structures, web scraping, data wrangling, data normalization, SQL, database management, and data visualization. The cause is taught in a computer lab and students engage with different software and tools in and out of the classroom. In addition to weekly content quizzes, students take an in-class practical exam, and a semester-long group project utilizing real datasets. Software and tools such as R, SQL, MySQL and Tableau are used, and the course is taught using open educational resources. In this presentation I will discuss activities that were implemented in the course, and the success stories of student engagement in this computational experience.


Computational Skills





Main Sponsor

Section on Statistics and Data Science Education