Course: Statistics for Social Justice

Tyler George First Author
Tyler George Presenting Author
Tuesday, Aug 6: 9:05 AM - 9:10 AM
Contributed Speed 
Oregon Convention Center 
A new course was developed that partnered with a non-profit and tabulated, organized,and analyzed their data to answer key questions and help them better serve Iowa communities. In recent years there has been a call for statistics and data science to be learned and practiced by diverse groups, and to be culturally relevant. These principles guided the development and implementation of this course. The community partner Waypoint works with Iowa's houseless families and was interested in differences by race and/or gender of persistent rental placements. To prepare second year undergraduate students, with no prerequisite courses, to answer these types of questions, the course's learning objectives included descriptive statistics, history of race and gender housing inequities, and communicating statistical results, among others. Students listened to podcasts, attended talks, played a board game, and met people in the community, to learn about and understand the current and historical realities of housing inequities in the United States. The course is published at





Main Sponsor

Section on Statistics and Data Science Education