Enhancing Engagement in Introductory Statistics through Student-Centered Simulations

Erin Howard First Author
Oregon State University
Erin Howard Presenting Author
Oregon State University
Tuesday, Aug 6: 9:15 AM - 9:20 AM
Contributed Speed 
Oregon Convention Center 
I'll discuss the innovative integration of Shiny apps as powerful tools to enhance student engagement and understanding in introductory statistics courses. Leveraging real-time data from in-class student polls, I demonstrate how intentionally designed simulations presented via Shiny apps can be utilized to dynamically display, manipulate, and simulate sampling distributions using data that students have a personal connection to. By establishing a direct connection between students and the material, this approach creates an active and immersive learning experience. The session will include a live demonstration of a Shiny app used in Introduction to Statistics for Engineers at Oregon State, showcasing its functionalities and impact on student engagement. I'll share insights gained from developing and teaching with the app, providing valuable lessons learned and practical considerations for educators looking to implement similar techniques. I'll conclude by proposing additional introductory statistics topics that could benefit from this innovative teaching approach, encouraging further exploration and adoption of interactive and immersive tools in statistical education.


Active Learning Strategy

Higher education

Statistical educaiton 

Main Sponsor

Section on Statistics and Data Science Education