Analysis of Duration of Response Using Conventional and Alternative Approaches

Prabhu Bhagavatheeswaran Co-Author
Bristol Myers Sqyibb
Jixian Wang Co-Author
Bristol Myers Squibb
Ram Tiwari Co-Author
Bristol Myers Squibb
Apurva Bhingare First Author
Bristol Myers Squibb
Apurva Bhingare Presenting Author
Bristol Myers Squibb
Tuesday, Aug 6: 8:45 AM - 8:50 AM
Contributed Speed 
Oregon Convention Center 
In oncology clinical trials, Overall Response Rate (ORR) is often analyzed either as primary or key secondary endpoint. Particularly, durability of response is of interest. As such, Duration if Response (DOR) and Time to Response (TTR) provide supportive information to assess Best Overall Response (BOR). Conventional Analyses of Duration of Response (DOR) is summarized for responders only. Descriptive statistics based on Kaplan-Meier Curves constructed with censored observations from the responders are used to summarize the DOR data. Alternative methods that utilize data from all patients randomized to the study treatments are becoming popular in literature (Huang et al., Annals of Internal Medicine 2020; Huang & Tian, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2022; Weber et al., Pharmaceutical Statistics 2023). These methods are based on mean (expected) duration of a patient being in response. The objective of this presentation is to explore different methodologies to analyze DOR data, to evaluate and compare the performance these different methods.


duration of response


restricted mean duration of response

restricted mean survival time

time to response 

Main Sponsor

Biopharmaceutical Section