Analyzing Survey Data with Tree Models: rpms R Package

Daniell Toth First Author
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Daniell Toth Presenting Author
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Wednesday, Aug 7: 8:50 AM - 8:55 AM
Contributed Speed 
Oregon Convention Center 
The R-package rpms provides an algorithm for producing design consistent tree models of survey data. Tree models are an effective and flexible way for analyzing survey data because they provide an easily interpretable model that includes automatic variable selection as well as interaction effects, which make them very popular with analysts working with data collected from surveys.. Besides providing the functions for estimating these models, the package includes a number of functions that operate on the tree based objects to assist in understanding and analyzing survey data. We will demonstrate many of the tools in this package on data collected from a complex sample.


Sample Design

Regression Tree

Machine Learning

Government Survey Data

Statistical Inference

Statistical Model 

Main Sponsor

Survey Research Methods Section