Statistical Behaviour of Mixed Crowds of Humans and Automata

Claudio Dorso Co-Author
Instituto de Fı́sica de Buenos Aires, CONICET
Guillermo Frank First Author
Guillermo Frank Presenting Author
Wednesday, Aug 7: 9:55 AM - 10:00 AM
Contributed Speed 
Oregon Convention Center 
The behavior of highly dense crowds under emergency situations caught the attention of researchers in the last years. But, it is now common the presence of automata among people in public buildings, malls, etc. Automata are set to do specific tasks and may or may not carry an emergency plan. This work simulates the dynamics of an escaping situation due to some kind of danger. A mixed population of humans and automata try to get out from a room. We handle the pedestrians' dynamics by means of the Social Force Model (SFM). The automata, however, evaluates the costs of deviation from a preset route. Both models interact, yielding quite unkown scenarios. Our aim is to identify the most favorable scenarios for the human safety.


crowd dynamics

social force model




Main Sponsor

Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences