Authentic Data Explorations: Investigating the Normal Distribution through Comparative Rent Data

Justin Post Co-Author
North Carolina State University
Jennifer Green Co-Author
Michigan State University
Sunghwan Byun Co-Author
North Carolina State University
Maria Cruciani First Author
Michigan State University
Maria Cruciani Presenting Author
Michigan State University
Tuesday, Aug 6: 8:50 AM - 8:55 AM
Contributed Speed 
Oregon Convention Center 
Inquiry-based activities allow students to explore questions they find interesting and applicable, motivating deeper engagement in a given task. Authentic data situates inquiry-based statistical explorations in meaningful contexts and advances the development of students' data acumen. We have designed an inquiry-based activity that authentically explores the distributions of rent measured as a percentage of income across the United States. It is the first activity in a series of three that offers students rich experiences exploring questions about authentic data through R Shiny applets. The activity's goal is to strengthen students' data exploration skills while furthering their understanding of the normal distribution. The learning objectives of calculating, interpreting, and drawing conclusions from z-scores, percentiles, and proportions in addition to standardizing and comparing normally distributed data are met. Statistical literacy is fostered as students become aware of social phenomena that are modeled by statistics and are situated in a context of societal and personal importance. Students will learn to standardize and compare normally distributed data in a context that is relevant to their lives, will gain experience taking the lead on statistically investigating a question that is interesting to them, and will practice communicating their results to others. This activity and the R Shiny applet will be discussed to demonstrate ways to situate statistical tasks in meaningful contexts.



Authentic Data

Undergraduate Introductory Statistics

Statistics Education

The Normal Distrubtion

R Shiny Applets 


Main Sponsor

Section on Statistics and Data Science Education